Tuesday, September 6, 2011

LulzSec is back, hacks Rupert Murdoch’s Sun tabloid


LulzSec is back and this time they have gone after Rupert Murdoch’s embattled News Corp., hacking the website of to its British tabloid, the Sun.
The group, along with the self-proclaimed “hacktivists” Anonymous, first defaced the Sun’s website, placing a fake story about the death of Murdoch and other made-up reports, on top of the website’s actual content.
Members of the two groups then began tweeting the login information of former employees of News Corp., including that of Rebekah Brooks, who recently resigned her post as chief executive of News International, the British division of News. Corp. Others whose information was tweeted included Pete Picton, a former editor at News Corp. publications, and Bill Akass, a former editor at the now defunct News of the World, also owned by News Corp.
LulzSec and company then proceeded to have The Sun and News International’s websites redirect to its Twitter feed.
The hacking attack on News Corp. comes a day before Murdoch is set to appear before the British Parliament to be questioned about phone hackings conducted by employees of his News of the World tabloid. The scandal has resulted in the resignations of many high-ranking officials in Murdoch’s company and British law enforcement. The weekly News of the World itself was shut down.
The return of LulzSec, however, was unexpected as the group announced its retirement three weeks ago, after 50 days of hacking. Before retiring, the group banded with Anonymous to commence Operation Anti-Security, calling on hackers around the world to go after governments and large organizations to expose classified information.
“Not so fun to get hacked Mr. Murdoch, is it? u MAD?,” retweeted an account that was tweeting some of the login information.
LuzSec even went so far as to create a short comic strip about their hacking, which they shared on Twitter.

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